
This is my personal website. I've recently created a github account in order to organize my latex notes, located here, with the most recent draft of the pdf located here.

Reading recommendations

Royal road to the CSP (notes - also available on github)

Some cross ratios (written for high school students)

Notes on the sum product theorem

Notes on sheaf cohomology

Tricky puzzles

A cute way to interpolate log* (Inspired by this mathoverflow post)

Tricky misere games

Class field theory examples

Some multigrades

Some programs

Current draft of notes about Weil conjectures

Inequality handout from a Stanford Math Circle talk

Keep completing the square!

Aronhold's invariants

How to include source code with an arxiv submission

A few useful links

Things I have written which are on the arxiv:

Coarse classification of binary minimal clones (submitted to the Journal of Multi-valued Logic and Soft Computing)

Sums of seven octahedral numbers (published in Journal of the London Math Society, Volume 93, Issue 1)

General divisor function inequalities and the third cumulant (published version is in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 163(3), 547-560 (2017))

Examples, counterexamples, and structure in bounded width algebras

Note on chromatic numbers of directed hypergraphs with no bad cycles

A Semidefinite Framework for the Sieve

Inequalities and higher order convexity (old, never published)

Things I've written which are not yet on the arxiv:

Sifting iterations

Mostly finished article on a model sifting problem of Selberg

Very rough draft of a paper on a reformulation of sieve theory as a question about probability distributions which imitate Poissons

Very very rough draft of a paper on optimal iteration rules

Very very rough draft of a paper on a weak consistency check that decides CSPs of bounded width

An inequality


A talk about sifting iterations from the 2017 JMM

A talk about spirals from the AAA94/NSAC 2017 conference

A talk about minimal clones from AAA96

A talk about minimal Taylor algebras from AAA99

A talk about a model problem in sieve theory

A talk about weaker consistency conditions for bounded width CSPs from AAA101

A talk about rounding rules and vague elements from AAA102

A talk about partial semilattice operations for PALS

My thesis.